Directed by Cora Herrendorf
Costumes Chiara Zini
Kites Maurizio Cenci / Vulandra
Lights Franco Campioni
with Natasha Czertok, Annamaria D’Adamo, Marco Luciano,Veronica Ragusa, Francesca Tisano and Riccardo Sergio
A Teatro Nucleo production
with the support of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and the Emilia Romagna Region

A hymn to love, to lightness, to joy – inspired by the Cantico dei Cantici, the greatest love text ever written. Whatever kind of love it is, whether it is that of Yahweh and his people, as the Jewish tradition dictates, whether it is that of the soul and its God, as St John of the Cross and other mystics want, or whether it is the carnal love of man and woman, as an immediate reading of the text dictates, never have more beautiful and inexhaustible words been found to sing it, words that seem each time miraculously suited to each of the many interpretations that have been given to the Canticle. The space is filled with Chagallian kites, tables laid with sublime singing, restless words that are not taken for granted. Archaic. A candelabra enlightens the darkness of the soul. The lovers lie together.

The actors dance to poetic choreographies, ferociously yet delicately. With bread and wine they reach from afar to narrate the infinite canticle, and they go away leaving their audience with the dream of one thing, the flight of two lovers, the hope of an embrace. A new spectacle for open and unconventional spaces where theatre, dance, music… are interlaced.

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